First time an UNKNOWING, Second time EDUCATIONAL, Third time WISDOM.
Welcome to the Mixtape Ya Ukweli Vol. 3 (MYU3). This mixtape is a
final installment to Wakazi’s MYU series, I guess that’s why he called
it Welcome to Heartbreak and it’s a testament that the self-proclaimed
Bilingual Beast has grown musically comparing to his 1st & his 2nd
Wakazi never disappoints lyrically, as Biggie said lyrically inclined,
every bar got to be listened twice or thrice to get the meaning of
those complex yet witty punchlines as well as double entrendes.
It’s a bit complicated to choose 5 top notch tracks in a mixtape with
18 tracks. But the 9 tracks that should be on the lookout are:

2. Heartbreak 4. I’m A Force 5. Tolwa Anakula Gizani (USTADI) 9.
Kanuni Za Hela 11. Mbeba Box 12. To Your Heart 14. Verses 15.
Excalibur 17. Enigma
You might ask yourself why I have chosen those 9 tracks out of 18. As
I fore said Wakazi has grown musically, so you’ll hear Wakazi doing
melodies here and there, a bit soulful and the rest of tracks just
lyrical massacre from alpha to omega.
